Monday, 21 March 2011

Jalapeno Pork

I believe that food and cooking doesnt have to be complicated: start with what you like! Anyone can very easily name their favorite dishes/flavours/food and their worst most revolting dish. In the spirit of such things, this is a dish that uses two of my favorite ingredients: jalapeno and pork. So here we go!

2. Grill some bacon and onions, but take be sure to take the bacon off before it gets crispy. When ready, wrap the pork with the bacon (keeping all the jalapeno and feta inside). Place in the oven and get ready to chop up some vegetables.

3. This step is no rocket science. Chop up any vegetables of your choice. I love potato, carrots and everything green. Add some olive oil, salt and pepper and throw it in the oven. The hard work is done and now the waiting game begins.

Keep an eye on the oven as time will differ depending on the quantity of the food you used.

4. Once the pork is cooked through and the veggies look ready, take out and dish up. It's nice taking the bacon wrapping off the pork when plating, so people can actually see what they are eating.

Bon appetit!

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